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All about Helen

I live in Leicestershire, UK, but have Yorkshire roots and spent my high school years with my family in North Wales.


My love of nature and wildlife started in my childhood in Leeds when I would go on local adventures with my family. These adventures were all accessed on foot or by public transport and usually involved coming home covered in mud and with pockets full of treasures to take to school to put on the nature table. The teenage years were spent in the seaside town of Llandudno which offered me plenty of fresh air, sand dunes, rockpools, sea birds, seals and mountain goats.


I worked for 14 years designing Christmas lights displays for Leeds City Council before getting married and then undertaking an illustration degree at De Montfort University in Leicester. 


I'm a mum to twin teenage boys, an occasional museum assistant, Girlguiding member and Brownie Leader. I've volunteered and campaigned for wildlife and environmental organisations.
I love wildlife and being outdoors, enjoy charity fundraising and of course being creative.

Helen Sibson wildlife illustrator. Uk wildlife artist.
Helen Sibson, hiking boots

Get in Touch

Thanks for contacting me, I'll be in touch soon. Helen

Thanks for your interest in my work as a professional Illustrator. Get in touch and let's discuss your illustration requirements and what I could do for you. Fill in the form or email me

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